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Product SKU: EVOMAG50

EVOMAG50 - 50mm Magnetic Drill
Vrsta alata:
Metal Working Range
The EVOMAG50 is a robust and durable magnetic drill with plenty of power to cope with the most demanding tasks, with a strong electro-magnetic adhesion at 3263kg f.
Built ready for heavy-duty construction and fabrication work, the 2-speed gearbox (380-500RPM) enables fast, clean, accurate cutting which comprehensively covers a wide range of cutter sizes up to 50mm and can achieve up to 75mm depth of cut. Plus the EVOMAG50 allows twist drills up to 16mm can be fitted.
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  • Majstora Radonje 14
    10120 Zagreb
  • +385(0)13096280 | +385(0)993505080
  • Workin days: 8 - 16h

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